Cruize Connect – A networking event for IT Decision Makers in collaboration with Huawei Enterprise

Cruize Connect was an exclusive networking event that unfolded aboard a luxury yacht, bringing together IT decision-makers from the hospitality sector. Organized by Precedence in collaboration with Huawei Enterprise, this event was a gathering of industry leaders and forward-thinkers.

Tarun Arora from Huawei Enterprise commenced the event with a brief introduction, shedding light on Huawei’s vision and technological direction. Nadeem followed suit, discussing the successful partnership between our organizations, and highlighting our joint achievements.

Muhammad Muzzafar and Stanley Harish from Huawei Enterprise then presented key insights into IT and IP solution portfolios, offering valuable perspectives on technological advancements.

Engaging discussions ensued as attendees delved into pressing industry challenges, sparking an exchange of ideas and experiences. From navigating complex landscapes to overcoming obstacles, participants shared their perspectives and sought solutions.

Following the enriching presentations, guests savoured the opportunity to network against the breathtaking backdrop of the open sea, fostering meaningful connections and potential collaborations.

As the event concluded, Tanveer Mohamed, CEO, Precedence extended warm thanks to all attendees for their valuable contributions, making Cruize Connect a memorable and enriching experience.

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